Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Smile, Love, Blog

I heard once that if you were going to do anything in life make it something you love. It was freshman year in my biology class when my teacher told us that what you study in college and the career you pursue should be something that makes you happy when you wake up. I walked out of class that day and changed my major. I knew that I would never want to wake up every day and be a biologist, it just wasn’t in my heart. Anyway, I changed my major to English because I loved to read, and what better job is there than to read all day long. It wasn’t until my last fall semester in college that I actually found what I wanted to do with my life. Can you guess what that was? Yup, Write. The next problem I battled with was what do I write, and how do I reach my audience. I decided to write a blog and to use social media to reach audiences all over the world with my writing.
The web has several different types of blogging domains that are connected to social media platforms. There is tumblr, wordpress, blogger,, medium, etc.( ). These websites all offer different advantages than the others. For example tumblr is both a social network and a blogging site giving it the versatility to be more wide spread, just from the fact that people are constantly reposting articles. I, however, chose Blogger because it easily connected to my google plus account, so when you google my name and click on my account and it would come up.
Once I choose my blog I then had to choose my topic. This was the easy part because my blog is an extension of me so it must feature things that I love such as: cooking, literature, party, and current campus events. I talked to a few of my classmates from my social media in journalism course about my topic and showed my teacher some sample articles to get their opinion. I then tested those sample articles to a bigger audience on my facebook page. Once I had enough feedback, I knew I wanted to pursue these topics, but not overwhelm my readers. Now I had a blog!
The great thing about Blogger was the step by step process they take you though when you first setup your blog. First you pick a domain name. Next you begin to design your page. As a cook who always documented my work it was easy for me to take pictures of things that I had already made and make them my page background. Then I choose my favorite colors and incorporated them into the page; this made my page feel more at home when I got on it everyday.
Finally the time had come when it was time for me to debut my blog. I posted several different articles, then begin to dispense it into the social media world, and it has been a blessing ever since. Not only have I grown as a writer, I was also able to land a great internship in the Social Media Dept on Frostburg’s Campus. Now I am writing this article about a dream coming true. I wake up every morning and I love what I do. So start a blog, make it something you love, let it grow through your social media, and then land a job that makes you wake with a smile.

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